How to create a daily practice in 5 steps
How to create a daily practice in 5 steps
Find your why
It is not enough to decide one day in your head that you are going to make big changes starting tomorrow, in fact that is why most new years resolution fall short pretty quickly. To get to your why you need to ask yourself a series of questions, journal your thoughts and observe your reasons.
Start small
We can make meaningful and lasting progress when we build our practice and knowledge over time. We cannot leap over that inner work to action. We must honour our moods, show ourselves compassion and only add to our lives elements of benefit. If you feel overwhelmed by your daily practice ideas you are on the wrong track, that’s ok. You got here with the best intentions and it is ok to start over.
You do you
Find what makes you feel good, there is no need to look to others for inspiration. Underneath our uncertainty lays a deep inner knowing, connect to that. Maybe you enjoy walking or maybe time out to listen to some of your favourite music is grounding for you. A daily practice need not look any particular way. Once you’ve found your why you can bring intention to the action, that is how it works.
Be prepared to ask for what you need
To allow for time in your day to practice, you might need to carve that time out depending on your circumstances. Learning how to ask for your needs to be met is a workshop in itself but put simply you need to practice clear, direct and compassionate communication. Getting your needs met is a balancing act, you have other people and your responsibilities to work with. You can be flexible and still hold boundaries. Active and regular communication with yourself and the other people in your life will ensure that you generate the space you need.
Be prepared to start over
It’s called practice not perfection but for some reason we can find ourselves throwing away our hard work or belittling it if we have a bad day and don’t manage to stick to our intention. This need not be the case. You do not need to be strict with yourself, you need to be compassionate. Every day will not be the same. Accepting it all will mean that your practice is ongoing. You can miss as many days as you want, in fact feeling resistance is part of the journey. Notice your resistance, don’t battle with it. You can start again any time you wish.