“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”

– Jiddu Krishnamurti

The definition of spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul instead of material or physical things. It is a willingness to accept and embrace the unknown, keep your mind curious, and feel yourself as interconnected to humanity, all beings, and the universe. It is moving away from individualism and believing in the collective. It can offer a zoomed-out perspective on your daily problems and teach you to be present.

For example, in Buddhism, meditation wouldn’t begin with an atomistic self trying to generate a positive mindset or feelings of calming their anxiety. Instead, they would start with rituals and prayers that remind them that they are part of a connected community, supported by a lineage of spiritual ancestors that spans many generations.

This starting point is shared by contemplative and ritual forms of Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and many indigenous religions. Practitioners’ efforts to cultivate those same qualities begin not with self-help but with the support and empowerment of their teachers and communities. In this way, the person meditating learns to become an extension of that field of love and compassion in which they are held by progressively extending love and compassion to others.

Can you imagine all the people practising meditation right now? Hold this thought when you practice your sitting exercise.

  • Are you a spiritual person?

    What does spirituality mean to you?

    What do you think about prayer?

    Do you believe in a higher power?

    How is your human spirit right now?

    Do you feel connected to others?

    Are you part of a community?

    Do you enjoy nature?

    Does the word spirituality bring up any negative connotations for you?

    List out any practices that you enjoy that would fall under this category.