“Nothing is more revealing than movement.”
– Martha Graham
Daily physical nourishment provides many benefits, from increased concentration and lessening anxiety to enabling good sleep. Building something physical into your daily practice doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be, punishing. Learning to observe your energy from one day to the next is crucial if you want to make daily movement an ongoing practice. If you add movement to your daily practice, this could be in addition to any exercise you take or could be part of. The thing to be mindful of is the intention behind it. So please bring it back to your life philosophy and your reasons for daily practice. We were born to move, so trying to incorporate some form of movement daily is embodying what it means to be human.
How is your physical health?
Can you move your body easily?
How is your sleep?
How are your cycles?
What is your relationship to movement?
Do you feel grounded in your body?
Do you feel physical anxiety sometimes?
When did you feel most at ease in your body?
What were you doing?
What kind of movement do you dislike?
What kind of movement do you find pleasurable?
List out any practices that you enjoy that would fall under this category