“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

– Helen Keller

Connecting to our emotions on any given day can be helpful if you find yourself feeling anxious, rushed, intolerant or reactive.

By listening to your inner emotional landscape, you will be honouring whatever it is you’re feeling. It will bring an awareness you can take with you, which will help when interacting with others. You will more readily be able to recognise your needs and find the relevant tools to support yourself. When beginning your daily routine, an emotions practice is helpful as it can mould your practice to reflect your inner landscape at that moment.

  • What is your most commonly felt emotion?

    Do you believe that our thoughts drive our emotions?

    Do you believe that external events drive our emotions?

    Do other people influence your feelings often?

    Do you often feel reactive?

    When you feel strong emotions, how do you react?

    Can you recognise how you are feeling?

    How do your emotions manifest?

    Do you know how to regulate yourself when feeling your emotions?

    List out any practices that you enjoy that would fall within this category.