With each step we heal the world

— walking meditation

My love of walking always remains, but the regularity of meeting this love is haphazard at best. This note today is as much a reminder to myself as a practice to share with you. We can walk with podcasts and music or with friends, but our walk can take on a different form when we walk alone. When you walk alone, you dance a solo waltz with the earth, a private moment between you. Observe the light, notice the air and witness the beauty of it all with a freshness of sight. You may already know about my adoration of words strung together by the late John O’Donohue describing his love of walking and landscape. In these words, my relationship with walking was reshaped and enlivened.

So when you can, walk. Walk with reverence and intention.

Breathing in, I know Mother Earth is in me. Breathing out, I know Mother Earth is in me.

When we take mindful steps on the earth, our body and mind unite, and we connect with the earth.


How is your connection to the earth ?


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