We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.
— Maya Angelou

Completing this diagram can help you take a step back to absorb the state of things. It’s a challenge to go through life without understanding the source of our internal imbalances. This tool can help to expand your outlook on life and offer clarity on what needs to be prioritised. Focusing on one area has the potential to result in a butterfly effect of change in all areas of one’s life. 

Assign two numbers on a scale of one to ten to each life area. The first number represents your current assessment of the time and attention spent on the particular area. The second number indicates the time and attention you ideally want to spend on the same life area in the future. The difference in the numbers is the gap. From there you can gauge the priority for change.

There are subtle differences in how one defines each area of their life, but the most commonly used categories are Business/Career, Finances, Mental/Physical Health, Family and Friends, Romance, Personal Growth, Spirituality/Religion, Fun and Recreation, Contribution, and Physical Environment.