—understanding grounding in your life

Here we ask you the questions and you provide the answers. By answering these questions we hope that by paying attention, you will notice patterns. We then look at those patterns with the practices shared later on.

For example, you may notice that you feel very grounded and at ease around your close friends but that in a work situation you lose that anchor. You would then look at the tools that you can use to bring a sense of groundedness to your work life.

  • Do you feel part of or separate from nature?

    What is your attitude towards animals?

    What is your attitude towards insects? Do you like to walk? if so do you enjoy company or rather solitude?

    How do you feel about getting muddy or wet?

    Where is your favourite place in nature?

    Do you feel more comfortable in natural or man-made environments?

    Do you understand and uphold your values when it comes to the natural world?

    Are you aware of the resources that you use and do you express gratitude?

  • Are you enjoying life?

    What do you do for fun and pleasure?

    How do you feel most of the time?

    Are you open to new experiences and eager to learn?

    To what extent do you value my personal growth?

    Are you aware of your thought patterns?

    Is your mind a safe space?

    What goes through your head upon waking?

    Does your mind twist facts?

    Can you come back to a place of groundedness when your mind and thoughts spiral?

  • How do you feel in your body?

    How do you feel physically and mentally?

    Are you satisfied with your appearance, general mood, and energy levels?

    To what extent do you care for your physical and mental health?

    Do any parts of your body ache or cause issues?

    Do you think that there could be an emotional connection?

    How is your digestion?

    How is your appetite?

    Do you feel connected to your sexuality?

    Do you practice self-pleasure? If so, how does that make you feel?

  • Do you feel supported by your friends and family?

    To what extent do you spend time with friends and/or family?

    Have you found happiness in love?

    Is this important to you?

    Have you taken the time to heal from any past heartbreak?

    Are you connected to both the inner and outer world?

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    Is this the job you had imagined, or would you rather pursue a different career?

    Does your job earn enough for a satisfactory lifestyle?

    Is your income enough to meet your basic needs?

    Do you think that money makes a person happy?

  • How is your temper?

    How is your patience?

    In which situations do you feel irritated?

    Do you find yourself judging others?

    Do you gossip?

    Are there any people in your life who bring about an uncomfortable feeling in you?

    How do you feel if you’re running late?

    How do you feel if someone else is running late?

    What do you do if you find yourself feeling irritated?

    How do you react?

    What can make you feel anger?

    How do you express your anger?