Evening Reflection
You may never end a day feeling as though you have done everything on your to-do list. Our world has given us endless places for communication and distraction leading to a feeling that we always have something to do.
This simple and short practice can be done on paper, in your head or out loud. The questions are a framework that can be personalised to better reflect you or used as is.
The question about making amends is not intended to be acted upon in that moment, it is just an opportunity to recognise if you acted out of alignment or need to craft an apology, this can be approached the next day.
So before you go to bed, spend some time in reflection. By doing so you will open space for a deeply nourishing rest. You can add a few moments of meditation in too if that feels good to you.
How do I feel about today?
Have I any amends to make?
Can I recognise and note down the beauty in my life?
Can I accept that there is more to-do and in the same moment let it all go for today? (deep exhale)
Can I say something loving towards myself?
Good night :)