Breath Journal

Before you close your eyes to go to sleep, set the intention with yourself to wake up mindfully.

As your mind and body begin to stir in the morning, notice where your thoughts go, notice your breathing, play with it. Feel the bedsheets, notice the temperature, the smells. How does your body feel?

You might notice your mind catapulting itself straight into thinking about and planning the day ahead. Experiment with pausing and tuning into the rise and fall of your chest or belly as you breathe. Simply feel the direct sensations of your body. You might discover something new about your breath, body or mind as you do this. You might find your day unfolds differently if you start off your day in this way – treat it like an experiment, and see what you find out.

It is also helpful to practice gratitude in your mind upon waking, finding thanks in the seemingly small things can really shift your mindset.

How you choose to journal is up to you. Writing it down is particularly helpful as you can refer back to previous entries but voice notes or even just taking a moment at the end of the day to speak out loud to yourself about your daily experience is fine too. It really depends on you and what you have the time for. There is no perfect way - just your way.